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Signs you May Be Too Clingy in a Relationship

You may be head-over-heels in love with your boyfriend/girlfriend, to the point that you are constantly thinking about him/her, but nothing is a bigger turn-off than being too clingy. Often times a person might view being clingy as showing his or her lover that he/she cares; however, often this backfires and causes a breakup. Below are some signs that you might be too clingy.


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1. You need to always know where he/she is and what he/she is doing

It’s one thing to take an interest in your boyfriend or girlfriend’s life. It’s completely different to obsess and have to know what he/she is doing 24/7. Instead of making your partner check in with you before he/she does anything, try to inject more trust into your relationship. As long as your boyfriend/girlfriend doesn’t break dates, or not call when they said they would, you have no reason to need to know there whereabouts every second of the day. Instead of being clingy, show you care by asking your boyfriend/girlfriend an open-ended question such as “how was your day today,” or “are you planning anything fun for tomorrow.” If you are in a healthy relationship, your partner will seize this opportunity to share his/her life with you.

2. You Have to Do Everything Together

Just because you are in a relationship with someone doesn’t mean you need him/her with you every time you go do something. It’s not only okay, but healthy, to do such things as run errands, workout, and get a cup of coffee by yourself. The fact that you need your boyfriend/girlfriend to accompany you on all of these outings means that you are too clingy, and you need to learn how to spend some time by yourself.

3. You’re constantly calling/texting your boyfriend/girlfriend

While it might be nice to have an unlimited texting included in your cell phone plan, sometimes this can backfire. Texting to check in with each other once or twice a day is not considered clingy; however, you should not constantly text your boyfriend/girlfriend. Instead, wait until you actually have something to say.

4. You Never Make Plans on Your Own

If you have stopped making plans to do things on your own or with your other friends until you wait to see what your boyfriend or girlfriend is doing, you have probably become too clingy. In order to ensure a healthy relationship, you need to maintain a life that is separate from the person that you are dating. This means that you should proactively plan activities both by yourself and with your friends without waiting to see if your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to hang out that night. One particular sign that this is an issue is if you have stopped spending time with close friends. You can still remain close to your boyfriend/girlfriend and spend a few nights a month apart.